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The 4th Shanghai International Arbitration Forum & Shanghai Arbitration Week 2022 Opening Ceremony held successfully

Source:China Maritime Arbitration Commission Time:2022-11-09 15:57:40

On 9 Nov 2022, the 4th Shanghai International Arbitration Forum & Shanghai Arbitration Week 2022 Opening Ceremony, co-hosted by Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Justice, CCPIT Shanghai and Shanghai Arbitration Association (SHAA) and co-organized by CMAC Shanghai Headquarters, Shanghai International Arbitration Center (SHIAC), Shanghai Arbitration Commission (SHAC), was held successfully. As a supporting event of the 5th China International Import Expo, the theme of the forum was "Green, Intelligence, Sharing".

Signing Ceremony of the International Arbitration Law Master Joint Training Program and the announcement of "Several Measures on Supporting the Building of Asia-Pacific Arbitration Hub for Enhancing City Soft Power" were on schedule at the same time. XU Fei, Vice General Secretary of CMAC Shanghai Headquarters and Vice President of SHAC signed the International Arbitration Law Master Joint Training Program with universities of Shanghai on behalf of CMAC. 


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